Overview This article is about how to pass your love of the water, snorkeling, and diving to your children. Our kids love nature and seeing animals just like us. That love does not stop at the water’s edge. Swimming and snorkeling with young kids require time, patience, and practice. But this effort can pay off […]
Author: Brock Waterman
How to Have Successful Life Change Conversations With Family and Friends
Introduction When had our life change conversations with those closest to us it was amazing. They were interested in “How We Retired Early.” Family members connected with the benefits of the extra time with our kids. They appreciated how hard we worked to achieve our goals. It was not taken personally…plus, we have six-pack abs, […]
Top 10 Tips for Flying with Young Kids
Overview What do we know about flying with young kids? We have lived experiences flying with infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners. We have been on six international flights to places as far away as Hawaii, Sri Lanka, and South Africa. But our trip never starts at the airport. Where we live in the midwest is […]
How to Retire Early
Overview “How to retire early,” or more specifically “How did we retire early?” is the question we get asked the most. People ask this and seem to be looking for a quick simple answer. They want it to be an event, investment, or some single item that we did. For instance, we invested in bitcoin […]
What is the Junior Ranger Program?
Overview Traveling in the United States and want a way to engage your children in nature, wildlife, and/or historical experiences? We found a great way to do this when traveling from September to December 2021. Our oldest child, Kyra (age 5 during this trip) loved the various Junior Ranger programs offered at places like National […]
Where does a nomadic FIRE travel family live when they “come home”?
While we have been quiet online a lot has been going on since we got back home about 25 days ago. This isn’t going to be a recap email though. Instead, we will give you insight into how and where we live when we come back home. But first… Health update for Brock As we […]
We’ll Be Home for Christmas…and Surgeries; Plus Future Travel Plans
Coming Home for Christmas We started our first post-retirement trip on September 24, 2021, with the knowledge that we didn’t have a set end date. The plan was to travel for as long as we wanted and come back whenever it made sense to do so. We were traveling by van in the United States. […]
What does early retirement mean to us?
Overview The “FIRE” part of FIRE Travel Family stands for “Financial Independence, Retire Early”. In this post, we will answer what it means to be an early retiree. Or at least what it means to us…at this point. As with everything in life, what retirement means to us can (and likely will) change over time. […]
Multi-night tent camping with small children: lessons learned
A blog post about our first few camping experiences with our small children and what we thought we knew and what we learned.
Holy Toledo Batman! – 2021 Trip Leaving
We are on the road and it feels so good 🙂 I am writing this 2021 trip leaving email while sitting in the van near Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio. We set up our tent for the first night of camping. First, let’s do a quick update and give out some thank you shoutouts. A […]