
Articles, Videos, Podcasts, and More

Well Kept Wallet Podcast with Deacon Hayes (January 2024) - FIRE Travel Family - Brock, Becky, Waterman

FIRE Travel Family has been part of various media for internet articles, YouTube Channels, Podcasts and more. Here are some examples:

Our Expertise Areas for Media

Brock, Becky and the kids have done a lot! Some of the best areas where we could help those looking for content development include:

  • FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early)
    • How to set priorities and achieve goals
    • How to implement a successful plan with flexibility
    • Communicating as a couple for success
    • How to live (and travel) while trying to become financially independent
  • Family Travel
    • Domestic and international travel locations and lifestyle
    • By tent, hotel, and RV
    • With small kids and even while pregnant
    • Flying and other public transit with kids
    • How to travel economically
    • Slow versus fast travel
  • Parenting
    • Home/world schooling
    • How to raise independent and balanced children
    • Family goal setting and meetings
  • Investing
    • Dividends, stocks, bonds, futures, options, and more
    • Investing for FIRE lifestyles
    • Real estate and REITs
  • Passive Income Streams
    • What makes good ones
    • How to develop
    • Understanding commitment versus paybacks
  • Business and Management Consulting
    • Startups and business models
    • Business funding
    • Business expansion
    • Business transitions (sales, transfers, or other)